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See Chapter 9 in UWEX Publication A2809 for more details." ], "pattern": "^.*$" }, "cropName": { "$id": "#root/items/comments/items/cropName", "title": "Crop name, if comment is specific to a crop in the sequence", "type": "string", "default": "", "examples": [ "All" ], "pattern": "^.*$" }, "sampleID": { "$id": "#root/items/comments/items/sampleID", "title": "Sample ID", "type": "null", "default": null } } } }, "npkResults": { "$id": "#root/items/npkResults", "title": "Npkresults", "type": "array", "default": [], "items":{ "$id": "#root/items/npkResults/items", "title": "Items", "type": "object", "required": [ "cropName", "yieldGoal", "mrtnTable", "mrtnRow", "nCropNeed", "legumeCredit", "netNRec", "p2O5CropNeed", "k2OCropNeed", "comments" ], "properties": { "cropName": { "$id": "#root/items/npkResults/items/cropName", "title": "Crop Name", "type": "string", "default": "", "examples": [ "Soybean, grain" ], "pattern": "^.*$" }, "yieldGoal": { "$id": 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"title": "Error debugging: Inner exception message (if thrown exception is caught and re-thrown", "type": "null", "default": null }, "exceptionStackTrace": { "$id": "#root/items/exceptionStackTrace", "title": "Error debugging: Exception stack trace", "type": "null", "default": null } } } }