A2809 Calculator

This calculator provides nutrient and liming recommendations per the A2809 "Nutrient Application Guidelines". It is primarily intended as an endpoint for software to access automatically; however, a human-accessible input page is also provided here.

This example input demonstrates what the software expects (including the header line).

You can copy CSV data, or cells directly out of Excel, and paste below. NOTE: You must include the first (header) line! Paste it into the box below, and select your desired output format (CSV or JSON), then click the "Get Recommendations" button.

The input can specify soils as either a soil series name or a soil map unit; if neither is supplied, a medium yield potential soil with default characteristics will be used for recommendations; if supplied, a sample scoop weight and percent organic matter will be used to determine soil texture (loamy, sandy, or organic). The soils must be specified exactly as shown these lists:

Likewise crop names must conform to those listed in the A2809.

You can submit samples for as many farms and fields as you like, one line of CSV per sample. All identifying information (e.g. lab, sample id, farm, field) must be supplied for every line.

Paste CSV or copied Excel cells here

CSV (Comma Separated Values) Output

JSON Output
